Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Safe Spaces

For those who know me as a person, the fact that I am in favor of “safe spaces” might come as a surprise. As a staunch believer in freedom of speech (so, please, if you wish, do go on and insult me or someone else in a creative fashion. I will not censor you, winkey-face), and that no idea is exempt from criticism, this surely would seem like a contradiction. Well, at least until I explain what I am on about.

At least in the world I live in (and seemingly increasing numbers of people only have a long-distance relationship with), there is such a thing as “property rights”. For those who are slow on the uptake, this means that I can own a piece of land or an apartment or something like it and set certain rules for being there, including who gets to be there. This is, as far as I am concerned, the only place where a “safe space” makes any sense. And it already exists.

The moment you invite someone to your property, turn on the TV or radio, go on the internet or something similar, you have chosen to engage with the world around you. No one are forcing you to go online to read or listen to opposing views. No one are forcing you to listen to that radio station or TV channel that challenges your views. And certainly no one are forcing you to engage in debate on these matters.

Put very simply, you have a right to a safe space in your own home. You do not, however, have the right to exempt ideas from criticism, nor do you have the right to infringe on other people’s freedom of speech. If you don’t want to hear criticisms of your ideas, stay away from the TV, the radio and, most of all, social media where untold numbers of people are free to express themselves.

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